Animation: The Battle of the Somme

An animated film has been developed by Creative Centenaries to tell the story of the Battle of the Somme, focusing specifically on the role played by Irish Divisions.

The short film explores events leading up to the battle before offering a detailed analysis of the actions of the 36th (Ulster) and 10th and 16th (Irish) Divisions during the four month campaign, including an analysis of the impact of the battle on the homefront and Western Front. 

Developed in conjunction with Whitenoise Studios, a unique visual style of 3D mapping has been used to bring old imagery to life in a retelling of the events which remain iconic in Irish society today.

This animation has been supported by the Community Relations Council and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 


battle of the somme36th ulster division10th irish division16th irish divisionwhitenoiseanimation